•  Address:
    44001 Garfield Road
    Clinton Township, MI
  •  Building Maps

Speech Therapy Department

What will a Speech Pathologist do for my child?

A Speech Pathologist (or Speech Therapist) provides therapy to students who have difficulty understanding language (receptive language), using language (expressive language), using appropriate social skills, or experience swallowing difficulty. Speech Pathologists teach a variety of communication modes including verbal language skills, sign language, picture use (PECS), and voice output communication aids (VOCA).

What will my child’s Speech Therapy session look like?

At Glen Peters School Speech Therapy is provided in the push-in (in the classroom) and pull-out model. During a push-in session, we will target your child’s speech and language goals within their daily setting. Communication skills are targeted during activities of daily living.  This model provides an opportunity for the classroom Teacher, Speech Pathologist and student to work together to reach established goals.  In the pull-out model, several students will be pulled out of the classroom and complete a small group activity in the speech office.

What is Assistive Technology?

The term “assistive technology device” means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of children with disabilities. IDEA 300.5

These are some of the communication devices we use at Glen Peters.

Communication Builder

Step-by-step Commmunicator

Tech Speak

Picture Exchange System

Picture Wallet



Augmentative Communication Websites

Sign Language Websites

Apraxia Websites

Language Development
