•  Address:
    44001 Garfield Road
    Clinton Township, MI
  •  Building Maps

Instructional Technology

The Instructional Technology Department provides a variety of services including Interactive Learning, Distance Learning, Assistive Technology, Universal Design for Learning, Beal Library, Media Library, Large Print, Teacher's Workshop.

Assistive Technology & Universal Design for Learning

Explore this link to find information about Assistive Technology and Macomb ISD's Universal Design for Learning (UDL) project. The AT site includes information about the Macomb County AT Process and guide, professional development opportunities, and links to other great AT related resources. To access the AT Lending Library, email atlibrary@misd.net 

Beal Library

Although the physical space for Beal Library professional multimedia reference center was recently closed, the IT Department still supports the Digital Beal Library. In addition, the IT Department supports the use of Follett Destiny, Tumble Books, Tumble Math, and Gale in Context online databases across the MISD service area. 

Distance Learning

Curriculum and Professional Development are enhanced and extended through on-line courses, virtual field trips to zoos, museums and science centers, collaborative events linking students from around the county to around the state to around the world, and special events linking to our students to authors and specialists. In short, we bring a world of resources to our students each and every day. ASK, L.A.P's, Field Trip Fridays and Middle School Mondays are a few of the programs offered by Distance Learning.

Interactive Learning

Interactive Learning includes a variety of resources to integrate technology in your classroom. We offer resources to enhance teacher and student productivity from in-person workshops to virtual online training. Interactive learning includes resources like Schoology, Discovery Education Experience, the 21things4 Project, and the Macomb Academy for Digital Educators (formerly Macomb 2020).  If you need support for online learning or training on digital age teaching, reach out to one of the consultants for support. 

Teacher's Workshop

The Teachers' Workshop provides services and materials designed to enhance the classroom experience. Come and see the many resources we can provide for your classroom. Hours are by appointment - email teachersworkshop@misd.net