Updated 02/18/2025
Count Date Note
If you need to change your count date in MISDmsds, select File>Change Count Date then enter the date that is appropriate for your district.
Registration Form
- Complete the registration form to make sure you are notified of updates to the program. Please fill out the registration form if you are interested in being contacted via email regarding software availability and future updates.
- Please close all applications before installing MISDmsds.
- There is now only one installer for MISDmsds. For your convenience, we developed an installer which works on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems to eliminate any confusion and any potential issues that may arise from attempting to install a version that is not compatible with your computer system.
- The data validation report includes errors from all collections. Please verify errors by looking for red fields in the collection you are currently working in.
Program Download (Please Note: The system is written for Windows computers.)
- MISDmsds Installation Directions
(updated 1-20-17)
- MISDmsds Documentation
(updated 9-24-18)
- Creating a District Database
- Directions for MISDmsds User Defined File Import
Save the program to your local machine, run it, and follow the directions to install. If you have suggestions for the installation that you think would be helpful to include on this page please email webmaster@misd.net and share your thoughts.
In order to use the program you will need to have administrative rights on the local machine, be set up as a Power User or have a profile that allows you to create and delete folders in the location where the program is installed. The default install location is:
MISDmsds software distribution, usage, and support terms
This version of the copyrighted software product MISDmsds is being provided for free, unlimited use. If distributed to others, it must be distributed in it's complete form as received, with no modifications. This version of the copyrighted software product is provided "as-is", with no explicit or implied warranties of any kind. This version of the copyrighted software product is provided with NO SUPPORT.
If you have any questions or issues downloading the software or documentation:
Please contact the Macomb Intermediate School District at 586-228-3399 or E-mail the Management Technology Help Desk or Kristina Martin.
Version Information
The changes include:
The most recent update to the MISDmsds data validation report was found to have an issue where the summary totals were printed, but the report detail failed to print. This update corrects that problem.
The changes include:
As requested, the MISDmsds data validation report has been modified to print a pdf report file even if there are no validation errors. This update will provide a document that shows when the validation report was run and that there were no errors found.
The changes include:
The data import function was not importing student records with a blank UIC number even though the box to import them was checked. This has been corrected.
The changes include:
The General Collection deadline date on the reporting dates screen has been corrected.
The changes include:
MISDmsds has been updated to comply with all of the CEPI specifications for Spring 2024-2025.
You will notice that the "Change Count Date" feature has been revised. This feature can be used when the Michigan Department of Education grants approval for a school or district to change their official count dates. In addition to being able to change the count date, this update also allows the user to change the Early Childhood Period End date. The EC end date is used in the validation routine for the CEPI business rules. The new screen also shows the official CEPI collection opens dates, count date, EC period end date and certification deadlines for the General collection and Early Childhood collections. We have also included a new help button titled "Why would I change these dates?". Clicking the button will open the browser and bring up a current document from the CEPI web site that explains why.
The changes include:
It was discovered that CEPI made a change to validation rule 225.39.7. The student's "age by" requirement for Primary Educational Setting was changed. The rule required that the student be age 5 by September 1st of the current school year. CEPI changed the rule to age 5 by December 1st of the current school year. This version of MISDmsds updates the data validation for this rule to match the current changes made by CEPI.
The data validation rule #230.472.5 was changed to match the current CEPI specification. It had been reporting an error if any of the 3 Discipline intial start dates were after the count data. It has been updated to report an error if any of the three dates entered are after the current system date.
The changes include:
There is an export feature in MISDmsds that will create a delimited text file that can be imported into PowerSchool. This can be found on the menu at File/Export/Export MSDS data for PowerSchool. It was discovered that the Special Education Secondary Disability data was not being included in the export. That has been corrected.
In some cases, the Non Resident report was showing a total FTE for exited students. This has also been corrected.
The changes include:
The CEPI business rule #225.36.4 states: "If [Section52FTE] > 0.00 {PersonalCore}.[DateOfBirth] must be < 26 years from September 1st of the current school year”. The same rule applies to [Section53FTE]. MISDmsds was reporting an error in the Section52FTE and Section53FTE fields whenever the student's age was 26 or older on September 1st of the current school year even if the FTE field was blank or zero. This has been corrected. MISDmsds will now only report the error if the student is 26 or older on September 1st of the current school year AND the Section52FTE or Section53FTE is not blank and is greater than 0.00.
The changes include:
The Data Summary Report has been enhanced in this version. Special handling for Early Childhood students has been added to this report. In this version students with at least one Program entered on the "Early Childhood/EC Programs" tab or a "Grade or Setting" of 30 on the School Demographics tab will be reported as Early Childhood. All Early Childhood students will be counted as "Active" unless "Exit Status" 00 (Not Enrolled) is entered on the Enrollment tab. All Active Early Childhood students will also be counted in the line item "Grade EC" in the District Totals by Grade section of the report.
The changes include:
- MISDmsds has been updated to comply with all of the CEPI specifications for Fall 2024-2025.
- You will notice that the text for ProgramParticipation code 9222 has been changed from "Sec. 6(4)(l)(ii) Pupil Count Exception" to "Section 6 Extreme Barriers". According to CEPI this was done to match how code 9222 is referenced in the legislation.
- All reports have been updated to the new PDF reports format.
- The Data Summary Report has been updated. Students who have an enrollment status code of 00 or a blank enrollment date will not be included in the active students’ total. A new item on the report, "Not-Enrolled" will show a total of those students.
- A new report has been added. The new "Not Enrolled Students Report" will list those students who have an enrollment status code of 00 or a blank enrollment date.
- This update will prevent the error message in the Courses tab when the subject area is “State Approved CTE courses 00” and the Course Identifier Code is blank.
The changes are:
- This version includes all the new SCED Codes for v10. It also removes the SCED Codes that have been removed in v10. In addition to reporting invalid SCED Codes in the data, the error check routine has been expanded to report if a SCED Code entered is now Obsolete.
The changes are:
MISDmsds has been updated to conform to the current business rule 70.21.13. When the exit code is 00 you will no longer see an error if Early On Services are submitted.
The changes are:
- For EOY 2023/2024 the data structures remain pretty much the same as they were for Spring 2023/2024. The exceptions are xml header data changes. Things like the "xml group label", "xml record label" and "collection id” were updated. The districts do not need to be concerned about these items. They are automatically entered by MISDmsds in the xml export process.
- One change that you will notice is the Third Grade Retention component has been removed from MISDmsds. CEPI no longer collects the Third Grade Retention Collection. For more information regarding the Read by Grade Three law, please visit MDE’s Read by Grade Three web page.
- A new Early Childhood program code has been added. The new code is: 22 - Michigan Strong Beginnings.
- For EOY 2024 CEPI changed several business rules. Changes were made to existing rules for the Early Childhood Program to handle the new code 22. All the business rules that involved Third Grade Retention were removed. CEPI also updated the business rules for ExitStatus = 00 - not enrolled.
- Special thanks to Roger for completing the certificate signing procedure. This should prevent the false positive warnings from virus scanners that have caused concern in the past.
The changes are:
- The Entry Rating Date on the Part B Preschool Outcomes could show an invalid student age warning message, due to a bug in the program. That issue has been corrected.
- A new option has been added to the Alpha Report to “Exclude Exit Status 00 - Not Enrolled (N/E)”. When selected the report will not include any students whose Exit Status on the Enrollment tab is "00 Not Enrolled".
- A new option has been added to the Data Validation Report. The user can now export the contents of the report in either csv or tab delimited text.
- The “Alpha Report – user selected categories report” (all 7 categories), has been converted to direct-pdf reports.
The changes are:
- The previous version,, was only printing the first page of the Alpha Report Summary Only report. This has been corrected. A couple of other adjustments were made to the Alpha Reports to enhance readability. A street address field, if extremely long, will now be truncated to fit the column width and prevent it from overwriting the zip code field. The grade and school totals lines have been adjusted to provide more room between the head count total and geFte total.
The changes are:
- The previous version fixed an issue where the Grand Total FTE on the last page of the Alpha Report was not always adding up correctly. However, it was discovered that the total FTE in the student line item was still printing zeroes when the student had an Exit Date in Special Ed, but was enrolled in General Ed. This new version, corrects that problem.
The changes are:
MISDmsds has been updated to fix a bug in the calculation of Total FTE. That is the Total FTE figure that prints at the end of all of the Alpha Reports.
The changes are:
- MISDmsds has been updated to comply with all of the CEPI specifications for Spring 2023-2024.
The changes are:
- The ability to download reports in PDF format through a PDF program (For example, Adobe.)
The changes are:
- An error was being shown in the Days Attended and Total Possible Attendance when those fields were blank, and the student had an exit date. That error should only be shown for those students when their exit date is after September 1st. This version corrects that data validation.
The changes are:
Addition of code 09 to the Early Childhood Delivery Schedule, the removal of code 07 from Federal Poverty Level, and the addition of codes 08 through 11 to Federal Poverty Level.
CEPI has renamed the following components and characteristics:
- The "Early Childhood Special Education Assessment" Component is now "Part B Preschool Outcomes"
- The "Part C Assessment" Component is now "Part C Early Childhood Outcomes"
- The "Entry Assessment Date" Characteristic is now "Entry Rating Date"
- The "Entry Assessment Date" Characteristic is now "Entry Rating Date"
The changes are:
- MISDmsds has been updated to comply with all of the CEPI specifications for Fall 2023-2024.
- A new feature has been added that will allow the user to mass-delete selected TSDL course records.
The changes are:
This update fixes the invalid error message that occurs when the TSDL completion status is "I - Incomplete".
The changes are:
- The Data Validation Report in MISDmsds has been optimized to shorten the amount of time needed to run the Data Validation Report.
- Comparison options "Contains" and "Does not contain" have been added to the TSDL mass change feature.
The changes are:
- MISDmsds has been update to comply with all of the CEPI specifications for EOY 2022-2023.
- For EOY 2022/2023 the data structures remain the same as they were for Spring 2022/2023. The exceptions are xml header data changes. Things like the "xml group label", "xml record label" and "collection id” were updated. They are automatically entered by MISDmsds in the xml export process.
- One change that you will notice is the Third Grade Retention component has been removed from the General Collection screen, General Collection export/import, and the General Collection data validation for the EOY collection. CEPI removed that component from the EOY General Collection schema. Third Grade Retention is reported as a separate collection at EOY. It opens on 06/01/2023 and closes on 09/01/2023.
- For EOY 2023 CEPI did not make any business rule changes.
The changes are:
- The warning message for EarlyOn.ServiceCoordinationAgency "Must not be blank when Initial IFSP component contains data has been removed. This warning no longer applies since CEPI added business rules 270.2 and 270.504.2.
- The warning for business rule 269.507.2 has been corrected. A warning message was being shown on the Early On tab when a Part C ExitDate is entered and the Part C Transition IS NOT blank. That warning should only appear when the Part C Exit date is entered and the Part C Transition IS blank. That warning condition has been corrected.
The changes are:
MISDmsds has been update to comply with all of the CEPI specifications for Fall 2022-2023.
Usually CEPI comes up with a number of data structure changes and additions. For Spring 2022/2023 the data structures remain pretty much the same as they were for Fall 2022/2023. The only exceptions are several xml header information changes, in particular for the Spring ’23 General Collection and the Spring ’23 Early Childhood Collection. Things like the "xml group label", "xml record label" and "collection id” were updated. The district do not need to be concerned about these items. They are automatically entered by MISDmsds in the xml export process.
CEPI did make a number of business rule changes for Spring 2022/2023. If the districts haven't heard about these rule changes you may want to pass along the highlights. They are:
First Name updated to allow 50 characters
Rule: 269.507.2 - has been updated
The rule was: Children older than 2 years 3 months on the Part C exit date and whose initial IFSP is prior to 2 years 9 months must have a transition IFSP.
This rule would issue an error. It has been changed to a warning. And the check for "initial IFSP is prior to 2 years 9 months" was removed from the rule.
The updated rule is:
If the child's age is > 2 years 3 months on the [PartCExitDate] then the [TransitionIFSP] must be reported.
This issues a WARNING
The text of the warning message is: Children older than 2 years 3 months on the Part C exit date are expected to have a Transition IFSP plan reported.
Rule 349.496.1 - is a new business rule it is:
If more than one {EarlyOnServices} components are reported in a student record, each component must have a unique [ServiceCode]
This rule issues an ERROR
The text of the error message is: The same Service Code has been reported in more than one Early On Services component for this record. Use a unique service code for each component.
Rule 70.21.13 – has been updated
If [ExitStatus] = "00" only the following components can be included in the record: {SubmittingEntity}, {PersonalCore}, {SchoolDemographics}, {Enrollment}, {Membership}, {PersonalDemographics}, {Contacts}, {StudentRecordMaintenance} and either {InitialIEP}or {InitialIFSP}
This rule issues an ERROR
The text of the error message is “Only the SubmittingEntity, PersonalCore, SchoolDemographics, Enrollment, Membership, PersonalDemographics, Contacts, StudentRecordMaintenance, and either the InitialIEP or InitialIFSP components may be submitted when District Exit Status is 00”
Error message also added to the conflicting component to further indicate what should not be included.
The previous version checked to see if any of these components had data:
Student Record Maintenance
The updated rule requires also checking to see if any of these components have data:
Third Grade Retention Decision (if not spring collection)
Also for Enrollment – Rule 70.21.18 – was updated. In the past it was just checking for the InitialIEP Component. The Spring update adds the check "or InitialIFSP Component” (notice the “OR”)
If [DistrictExitStatus] = '00' The InitialIEP component or the InitialIFSP component must be submitted
This rule issues an ERROR
The text of the error message is: You must submit either the Initial IEP component or Initial IFSP component when reporting Exit Status '00'.
Rule 224.320.3 – has been updated. - It was only checking [TimelinessOfInitialIEP] = 22, it now includes "or 19"
IF [TimelinessOfInitialIEP] <> "22" or "19" [DateOfParentalConsent] cannot be blank
This rule issues and ERROR
The text of the error message is: DateOfParentalConsent is required unless TimelinessOfInitialIEP = 22 or 19.
Rule 270.504.2 – This is a new business rule
If result of Initial IFSP = 04,05,06, or 07, the Early On component may NOT be submitted
This rule issues an ERROR
The text of the error message is: You may not report the Early On component when a child is found ineligible or services are declined.
The changes are:
MISDmsds has been updated to comply with all of the CEPI specifications for Fall 2022-2023.
The changes are:
- This version contains the new College Credit Report that was requested by Kelly Dumas.
- It also addresses the data validation for SNE to make it consistent with the special CEPI handling of SNE for Homeless found on page 170 of the MSDS Collection Details Manual. So now in MISDmsds if homeless is indicated for a student and the SNE is left blank the user will see the following warning rather than an error: “WARNING CEPI will identify homeless students as eligible for free milk/meals, even if you do not include the SNE Component on their records.”
The changes are:
MISDmsds has been updated to comply with the CEPI specifications for End Of Year 2021-2022.
The changes are:
The Data Summary Report in MISDmsds has been enhanced to prevent a Variant Exception system error from terminating the report.
The changes are:
- For the Spring of 2022 CEPI added the School Demographics, Personal Demographics, Contacts, and Enrollment components to the Request for UIC submission. These are all optional fields. This MISDmsds update, implements all of the special export and data validation rules for these optional components. These 4 components will not be written to the xml file for a student unless the user has entered or imported data into the component.
The changes are:
- MISDmsds has been updated to comply with the CEPI specifications for the Spring 2021-2022.
The changes are:
- The school selection dropdown in the data summary report has been enhanced. It will now include students for all buildings that are in your MISDmsds database, even those who are from buildings not directly under your district number in the CEPI Educational Entity Master file.
- CEPI has recently changed business rule 225.589.2 from an Error to a Warning. This was done to allow Early On transitioning students to be reported accurately. Rule 225.589.2 states: If plan type = "01" the child's age must be < 3. A child must be under 3 years of age to be reported with an IFSP plan type.
The changes are:
- Special accommodations have been added for educational entities that have a 9-digit Agreement code rather than a 5-digit District code. This version will allow them to build a Request for UIC submission without the School Demographics component.
The changes are:
- The import and export functions have been enhanced to automatically convert any lower case characters in the Contacts.State abbreviation characteristic to uppercase. This will help prevent schema-level errors when your file is uploaded to CEPI.
The changes are:
- A feature to import Seclusion and Restraint Component data from a delimited text file has been added.
The changes are:
- A feature to import Contacts Component data from a delimited text file has been added.
The changes are:
- The alpha report has been updated to include data from the new Contacts Component. It will use the address from the contact record with Address Type of Physical. This change will also prevent the report from failing to complete.
- It was found that in certain cases a new manually entered contact could not be made when other contacts records existed for the student. This has been corrected.
- The data validation for the Contacts Component has also been enhanced.
The changes are:
MISDmsds has been updated to comply with the CEPI specifications for the Fall 2021-2022.
The changes are:
In MISDmsds version, the function that imports Early Childhood data was not importing students who had blank UIC numbers, even if the option to include records with blank UICs was selected. That problem has been resolved with this update,
04-30-21 Version
The changes are:
MISDmsds has been update to comply with the CEPI specifications for End Of Year 2020-2021.
Schema header updates have been made for the following collections:
• General Collection
• Early Childhood
• Early Roster
03-29-21 Version
The changes are:
It was brought to our attention that MISDmsds would report an error if the StudentCourses.CourseIdentifierCode was 000 when the StudentCourses.SubjectAreaCode was coded 00. We checked with CEPI and they will accept either 000 or blank for CourseIdentifierCode when SubjectAreaCode 00 is selected. MISDmsds has been updated to match the CEPI validation.
03-09-21 Version
The changes are:
A bug was found in the delimited text file import for TSDL. When the Course Funding Program column was blank, zeroes were being imported. This version fixes that bug.
01-20-2021 Version
The changes are:
MISDmsds has been update to comply with the CEPI specifications for Spring 2020-2021.
Schema header updates have been made for the following collections:
- General Collection
- Early Childhood
- General Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)
A new collection "Third Grade Retention" has been added. In addition to the data entry screens for this new component, we have added xml export and import capability. We have also added the ability to do reporting with this new component. You will find the reporting feature under the menu "Reports/Alpha Report user selected categories/Third Grade Retention". The “Import a user defined delimited text file” feature has also been updated to include the new Third Grade Retention characteristics.
Four new codes have been added to the Early Childhood ECPrograms.FederalPovertyLevelQuintile. They are:
- 08 301% to 350% FPL
- 09 351% to 400% FPL
- 10 401% to 450% FPL
- 11 451% FPL and above
CEPI now highly recommends that one of the four new codes be used rather than the old code 07 "301% FPL and above". You will see a note to that effect on the data entry screen in MISDmsds, in the drop-down and code display for code 07.
10-27-20 Version
The changes are:
- Data validation for negative numbers in the Attendance component has been added. If a negative number is found in the Days Attended or Total Possible Attendance areas the errors will be flagged in red on the screen. These errors will also appear on the data validation report.
- A delimited text file import for the new Early On Services component has been added. You will find the new import feature under "File/Import/Import Delimited Text Files/Import Early On Services Data".
10-05-20 Version
The change are:
- The valid values for the multiple birth order characteristic are blank or 0 through 9. It was found that when the multiple birth order in the xml file was two digits in length (ex: 02), MISDmsds would import only the leading character 0. In this update the MISDmsds import procedure will import the multiple birth order field as a numeric value, removing any and all leading zeroes. In doing so the values 2, 02, 002 would all correctly import as the value 2.
09-21-20 Version
The changes are:
- MISDmsds has been updated to comply with the CEPI specifications for the Fall 2020-2021.
07-13-20 Version
The changes are:
It was found that in some cases, the import TSDL data from a delimited text file would fail with an error message. The message was "Column header label "" was not found". This version of MISDmsds corrects that problem.
06-23-20 Version
The changes are:
For the TSDL Collection, SCED6 does not differentiate secondary courses vs prior to secondary courses. For that reason CEPI has removed the corresponding warnings from the Subject Area Code in the Student Courses Component. Those warnings have also been removed from this version of MISDmsds.
06-10-20 Version
The changes are:
- According to CEPI, there is no more 64b funding. For that reason, the optional characteristic "Eligible 64b Course" checkbox has been removed from the TSDL Student Courses screen in MISDmsds. All references to 64b in MISDmsds have also been removed including the xml export, xml import, delimited text import, and the TSDL mass change.
05-12-20 Version
The changes are:
- We have been informed by CEPI that the Third Grade Retention Collection for this school year, 2019-20, has been suspended and will not be collected. In order to avoid any confusion, this version removes all references to the Third Grade Retention Collection.
05-11-20 Version
The changes include schema and business rules changes.
There are three major changes made by CEPI that are included in this release. They are:
The Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) component uses the common course codes found in the "School Courses for the Exchange of Data" (SCED) classification system. According to CEPI, for this school year (19/20) you can report either SCED Version 1 or SCED Version 6 codes. To facilitate that option for the EOY submission, MISDmsds now supports both SCED1 and SCED6 codes. We have included an option screen found under "File/TSDL SCED codes options **EOY 2020 Only**". This will allow you to indicate which SCED version your district will be using. The dropdowns for Subject Area Code and Course Identifier Code on the Student Courses screen will reflect the SCED option selected.
CEPI has added a new data collection for Third Grade Retention reporting. This new component has been added to MISDmsds and includes the data entry for the new component "Third Grade Retention Decision". Functions for xml export and import as well as user-defined text file import have also been included. The new Third Grade Retention characteristics, "End of term status" and "Promotion Reason" have been added to the "Mass Change a Selected Field" function. To assist with this new submission a report of Third Grade Retention has been included in the "Reports/Alpha Report - selected user categories/Third Grade Retention.
A new characteristic, "Tuition Funded Enrollment" included in the Membership component will be collected in the MSDS beginning with the EOY 2020 General Collection. This new characteristic has been added to MISDmsds. You will find it on the Membership screen. It has also been added to the Mass Change a Selected Field function.
02-24-20 Version
The changes are:
- Corrected a bug that could cause an xml file-level error if a record was submitted with a blank SchoolFacilityNumber and the SchoolFacilityNumber was not required for the student.
02-17-20 Version
The changes are:
- For “Early On” business rule 269.507.1, corrected a bug in the calculation for student age in years/months/days as of the current count date.
02-11-20 Version
The changes are:
- Updated business rule #253.623.2 which was recently changed by CEPI to include Residency Code 06. "The reported entity must be beneath the reported Resident District Number in the EEM hierarchy unless the residency status is 02, 03, or 06."
- Removed several error messages dealing with Program Participation for Early Childhood students. According to CEPI, "That component [Program Participation] is optional for the Early Childhood collections, so there should not be any error codes that populate based on that component being reported"
02-05-20 Version
The changes are:
- There was an error in the student age calculation for Early Childhood Programs business rule 171.193.1, "Children must be less than 5 years old on September 1 AND greater than or equal to 4 years old on December 1st of the current school year to participate in a GSRP or GSRP/Head Start Blend program." The calculation has been corrected and the text of the error message changed to the exact text of the CEPI business rule.
- The error message pause time has also been increased. That will allow the error message to be visible for a longer time when the mouse pointer is held on the data entry in error. The user will now have more time to read the error message.
01-13-20 Version
The changes are:
The MISDmsds update, version, contains all of the changes made by CEPI for Spring 2020. The changes include schema and business rules changes.
This version also implements a new method of exporting and importing XML files for all of seven of the MSDS collections. The previous versions of MISDmsds used an XML read/write method that required the complete XML data set to be built or read into memory before writing to, or reading from a physical XML file. The new method builds the xml "on-the-fly" and writes to and reads from an XML file directly. This will solve the "out of memory" issues that some of the larger districts have encountered, especially with the increasing amount of data that is required by CEPI. The larger districts will notice that this new version imports and exports XML files considerably faster the previous version of MISDmsds.
10-24-19 Version
The changes are:
- If the "File/Mass-Change.../Mass-Change Selected Field" was used to change the SpecialEducation.PlacedByAnotherDistIEP characteristic, and the "change-to" value was a entered as a lowercase "y", the screen would display the correct value but the xml export would not export that characteristic. This update now prevents that from occurring by always treating the entry in the SpecialEducation.PlacedByAnotherDistIEP characteristic as an uppercase value.
10-08-19 Version
The changes are:
- This update adds the Early On - Eligibility Reason characteristic to the user defined text file import feature. It will allow you to import one or several Eligibility Reason codes for each student. If you are adding multiple codes for a student, say 03, 05, and 07, you would concatenate the codes in your import text file column for EarlyOn-EligibilityReason as 030507.
10-03-19 Version
The changes are:
This update will prevent "Null Variant" errors that would terminate the import process when importing xml data from certain student information systems. This error would occur when the xml file being imported contained data item labels with no data between them. For example <QualifyingFactor></QualifyingFactor> has no data, not even a blank character, and is an xml error. It would cause the "Null Variant" error message and terminate the import process. The correct xml would include those same labels when there was data to report, and have data between them like "<QualifyingFactor>B</QualifyingFactor>" where the data to be imported is the code "B". With this MISDmsds update those null value items will be ignored as they contain no data to import, thus preventing the error message and termination.
09-30-19 Version
The changes are:
- It was found that if the Alpha Report by District was run immediately after doing the general collection xml import, the report would be sorted by UIC rather than student name. This update corrects that issue.
- The General Collection xml export has been enhanced to speed up the process. With a sample database of 12,000 students the previous version of MISDmsds took over 10 minutes to do the export. With this update, the same database now exports in less than one minute.
09-06-19 Version
The new code "06 Read at Home" has been added to the Early Reading Deficiency Activities characteristic.
On the Special Ed tab the Secondary Disability characteristic would allow you to select either "22 Legally Blind" or "24 Deaf". Since the schema allows the entry of up to 2 codes for that characteristic it has been changed in MISDmsds to allow you to select both codes if needed.
Formatting characters, compatible with the xml standards, have been added to the General Collection xml export. This will make the xml easier for a user to read and edit in a text editor like notepad.
09-03-19 Version
The CEPI changes include the following schema and business rule changes:
Major version: 2019-2020
Collection ID: 208
CollectionName: EarlyChildhoodFall
Group: EarlyChildhoodFallGroup
Record: EarlyChildhoodFall
* The characteristic ECPrograms.Working Parents has been removed from screen as well as all xml exports and imports.
* The characteristic ECPrograms.Working Parents has also been removed from "Import Early Childhood data from a tab delimited file" and from the "Mass Change a selected Early Childhood Program field"
* The Limited English Proficiency (LEP) component has been removed from the Early Childhood collection, on screen as well as all exports and imports.
General Collection
Major version: 2019-2020
Collection ID: 211
CollectionName: FallGeneralCollection
Group: FallGeneralCollectionGroup
Record: FallGeneralCollection
* The schema position for the EarlyReadingDeficiency component has been moved to between Attendance and Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility on screen as well as all xml exports and imports.
* The SchoolDemographics.OutOfLevelGrade characteristic has been removed.
* For the (Limited English Proficiency) LEP.PrimaryLanguage and LEP.HomeLanguage characteristics a number of language codes have been removed by CEPI. As specified by CEPI, MISDmsds contains the three-character (alphabetic) language codes provided in the ISO 639-2 Codes for the Representation of Language Names (http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php). MISDmsds includes all of these codes with the exception of those that CEPI has chosen to exclude, for a total of 439 valid codes.
Early Roster
Major version: 2019-2020
Collection ID: 210
CollectionName: EarlyRoster
Group: EarlyRoster
Record: EarlyRoster
* For the Assessment.OtherTestType, the codes 08 and 09 removed. That leaves 10 as the only valid code for this characteristic
* The Assessment.OtherGroupCode characteristic has been removed from screen as well as all exports and imports
Major version: 2019-2020
Collection ID: 212
CollectionName: StudentRecordMaintenance
Group: StudentRecordMaintenanceGroup
Record: StudentRecordMaintenance
* The SchoolDemographics.OutOfLevelGrade characteristic has been removed from the screen as well as all exports and imports.
* For the (Limited English Proficiency) LEP.PrimaryLanguage and LEP.HomeLanguage characteristics a number of language codes have been removed by CEPI.
* The schema position for the EarlyReadingDeficiency component has been changed to the end of xml schema. All imports, exports, and the component menu tree in MISDmsds have been revised to reflect the new schema positioning.
Major version: 2019-2020
Collection ID: 209
CollectionName: MigrantTeacherStudentDataLink
Group: MigrantTeacherStudentDataLinkGroup
Record: MigrantTeacherStudentDataLink
* The StudentCourse.Academic Year allowable values have been changed to 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.
* The SchoolDemographics.OutOfLevelGrade characteristic has been removed from the screen as well as all exports and imports.
* The SchoolDemographics.BldgOtherwiseAttend and SchoolDemographics.S2E2 code have been added to the xml exports and imports.
The 19/20 schema is not available from CEPI as of 08/23/19. This is probably due to the fact that the General TSDL is not reported in the fall. However the other CEPI documentation listed the following changes in the 2019/2020 school year documentation. MISDmsds has been updated to include these changes:
Major version: 2019-2020
Collection ID: 214
* The StudentCourse.Academic Year allowable values have been changed to 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.
* The SchoolDemographics.OutOfLevelGrade characteristic has been removed from the screen as well as all exports and imports.
* The SchoolDemographics.BldgOtherwiseAttend and SchoolDemographics.S2E2 code have been added to the xml exports and imports.
There were no schema changes from CEPI at this time.
Early Roster - OEAAAssessment
Removed GroupCode and corresponding business rule 254.552.1.
Early Childhood - ECPrograms
Removed WorkingParents and corresponding business rules.
General Collection - EarlyOn
Removed the warning "The {EarlyOn} component should be reported when the child's age on the As of Date is 2 1/2 years or less and the {SpecialEducation} component is included in the record" "Children under age 2 1/2 years receiving special education services should be reported with the Early On Component"
General Collection - InitialIFSP
Changed error to warning for rule 270.2 "When a record includes the Initial IFSP component the Early On component is also required."
General Collection - Program Participation
Changed (warning) rule 219.317.11 from 9-12 to include k-12 "If [ProgramEligibilityParticipation] = "9229" {SchoolDemographics}.[GradeOrSetting] must = "09", "10", "11", or "12"", "Seat-Time Waivers are generally approved for students in grades 9-12."
General Collection - SchoolDemographics
Rule removed: 253.290.1 - Warning The Special Education Component is normally submitted when the Grade or Setting is '30'.
Changed warning to error for rule 253.623.2 - "[BldgOtherwiseAttend] must be beneath the Resident LEA number in the EEM hierarchy in a "Belongs Within" relationship unless the student has a Residency Status code of '02' or '03'."
General Collection - Special Education
Remove rule 225.1 - warning - "Children under age 2 1/2 years must be reported with the Early On component when submitting special education data in the General Collections."
Added the new rule 225.39.13 - "If [Primary Ed setting] = 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 11, 12 , or 13 and {School Demographics} [GradeorSetting] = "30", "You may not report this primary educational setting for a student in Grade 30."
Changed business rules 225.39.3 (3,4,5,6,7,8) through 225.39.8 to allow students age 5 or greater to use Primary Educational Setting codes 02 through 13. It was age 6 or greater before this change.
SRM Collection - Section23a
Removed rules 286.544.3 & 286.544.4 "The same year/month combination may only be reported once per component." & "Claims for this school year must be for the months of July through June. Claims earlier than the preceding July, or later than June, may not be entered in this school year."
TSDL - StudentCourse
Changed a warning to an error for rule 252.160.2 - "If [CourseType] = "04" or "07" {SchoolDemographics}.[GradeOrSetting] must be between "09" and "12"
The following other requested changes and enhancements have also been included in this update:
The Data Validation report has been enhanced in order to avoid confusion. When run from the menu it will now ask the use which collection (or all) should be considered when running the report. The report will then only show the errors that need to be corrected for the selected collection. When exporting the xml file for a submission the user is asked if they would like to run the data validation report. If they reply yes, the validation report will now only show the errors for the collection being exported.
In previous versions of MISDmsds the validation report would flag the missing UIC as an error when being run for the Request for UIC collection. Since a blank UIC number is not an error for this collection, these items will not be listed on the error report when running for the Request for UIC collection. This should help to avoid confusion.
An issue has been corrected in the 4061 report that would prevent the report from printing when the count date was set for End-of-Year. The report heading will now show the "as of" date that the report was generated.
In the TSDL xml import, special character handling has been added for extended ascii and extended unicode characters. These characters caused a problem in the LocalCourseTitle characteristic for several non-PowerSchool districts who used the Unicode "long hyphen" character (Unicode #8212). This was reported by Sault Ste Marie.
07-23-19 Version
The changes are:
- This version will read the TSDL xml files that were produced with Skyward. Those files contain tab characters which caused a problem in the previous version of MISDmsds. This version ignores those tab characters.
This update adds a new section with two new totals lines to the Data Summary Report. Below the "Totals by Program Participation Code" you will see a section labeled "From TSDL Course Data". There are two totals lines in this section, "Dual Enrollment" and "Virtual Courses". Please keep in mind that these totals are counted from TSDL Student Course data, so if you do not have the TSDL course data in MISDmsds those totals will be zero.
A new warning has been added in this version. The warning is "When Virtual Method is not blank or "NV" at least one Personnel ID Code (PIC) and one Mentor Teacher PIC are usually included."
07-17-19 Vesrion
The changes are:
- Version This version adds EEM grade codes DevK, DevK-Part, RetK and RetK-Part to the validation for grade 00.
- This update fixes an out of memory error issue that may occur when exporting or importing extremely large TSDL files. This update also improves the performance of the TSDL import/export functions. Users with extremely large files will notice a considerably faster processing time.
- This update enhances the Data Validation Report. When the user runs a data validation report as part of a MSDS collection export, the program will automatically validate only the components that comprise that collection. Also if the user selects the data validation report from the reports menu, they will see a screen where they can select a collection. The report will then validate only the components that comprise the collection selected.
06-05-19 Version
The changes are:
Added the ability to import the Attendance component to the user-defined delimited text file import. This can be found in MISDmsds under “File/Import/Import delimited text files/Import a user-defined delimited text file".
Fixed a bug in the General Collection xml file import. This bug would prevent the ReadingDeficiencyIdentified and ReadingDeficiencyContinuation characteristics from importing when the ReadingDeficiencyActivities characteristic was not included in the xml file.
05-23-19 Version
The changes are:
For the General Collection & Early Childhood:
The schema header information in both the General Collection and Early Childhood collection xml exports have been updated for the new EOY/EOP schemas from CEPI.
In the Early Childhood collection, two new codes have been added. Code 21="GSRP Wait List" has been added to the characteristic ECProgram, and code 4="None-Wait List" has been added to ECDeliveryMethod characteristic. There are several new business rules that were also required for these new codes. Those rules are:
Rule: 171.617.1 -- if [ECProgram]= “01”, "02" or "21" then [AdditionalEligibilityFactors] must be submitted in that {ECPrograms} component
Rule: 171.193.1 -- If [ECProgram] = "01", "02" or "21" the child's age must be < 5 on September 1 AND >=4 on December 1st of the current school year
Rule: 171.617.2 -- If [ECProgram] <> “01”, "02" or "21" then [AdditionalEligibilityFactors] cannot be submitted in that {ECPrograms} component
Rule: 171.193.15 -- If [ECProgram] = "01" or "02" or "21" [ECDeliveryMethod] cannot be "03 home-based"
Rule: 171.603.1 -- If {EC Programs} [EC Program] = "01", "02" or "21" [Federal Poverty Level Quintile] cannot be blank.
Rule: 171.619.1 -- if [ECProgram]= “01”, "02" or "21" then [QualifyingFactors] must be submitted in that {ECPrograms} component
Rule: 171.619.2 -- If [ECProgram] <> “01”, "02" or "21" then [QualifyingFactors] cannot be submitted in that {ECPrograms} component
Rule: 171.193.23 -- If [ECProgram] = "21" [ECDeliveryMethod] must be "4"
Rule: 171.193.24 -- If [ECProgram] <> “21” [ECDeliveryMethod] cannot be “4”
A new component "EarlyReadingDeficiency" has been added to the General Collection. This new component and the associated data validation, imports, and exports have all been added to MISDmsds. A schema rule and validation rule have also been added for this new component. They are:
Schema validation rule: if readingDeficiencyContinuation or ReadingDeficiencyActivities are entered then ReadingDeficiencyIdentified must be entered."
Business rule: 343.625.1 If [ReadingDeficiencyIdentified] = 'Yes' [ReadingDeficiencyContinuation] and [ReadingDeficiencyActivities] must be submitted."
The new fields "School Demographics/Building Otherwise Attended" and "EarlyOn/EligibilityReason" have been added to the Student Record Maintenance (SRM) xml export for EOY in MISDmsds. (These new fields were added to the General Collection export for the Spring 18/19 collection.)
Last month CEPI added a new field "SEEType" to their EEM download web service. We are now able use this new field in MISDmsds to identify S2E2 and SEE entities. This new field has been added to the State Codes download in MISDmsds and will be used for S2E2 lookups and data validation. The business rules added to MISDmsds using this new field are:
253.623.5 If [BldgOtherwiseAttend] contains a value [SchoolFacilityNumber] must contain a value that is an entity that has been defined as an SEE in EEM OR [S2E2Code] must contain a value.
253.462.10 [S2E2Code] must be a valid entity code in EEM with an entity type group of "Non-Instructional Ancillary Facilities" (type=7) AND [S2E2Code] must be identified as a Specialized Shared Educational Entity in EEM 253.462.11
253.462.11 [S2E2Code] must have an EEM status of "01" (open-active) or "10" (closepending) as of the AsOfDate
253.462.12 If [S2E2Code] is submitted [SchoolFacilityNumber] cannot be blank
253.462.15 If [S2E2Code] contains a value [SchoolFacilityNumber] cannot be an entity that has been defined as a SEE in EEM.
The four alpha reports, from the menu: Reports/Alpha Reports, have been updated. This update corrects a bug occurred in the “Alpha Report/by School/Grade”, the “Alpha Report/Selected School Only”, and the “Alpha Report/Summary Only”. When the exclude box was checked, the exited students were not listed on the reports, but their FTEs were included in the totals. This condition has been corrected.
The other update for these reports is the addition of an "Exclude Early Childhood and Early On students" option. This was added so districts could exclude these students to get detailed information to correspond to the totals on the 4061 report. The report will also show in title area the student groups that the user chose to exclude.
In this update you will find the new TSDL feature by clicking "File\Mass Change Add Utilities\Mass Add TSDL Data". Following the instructions on the screen you will see there are 3 steps.
1. Enter TSDL data into a form that looks just like the MISDmsds TSDL tab.
2: Select any conditions if needed. These conditions will allow them to select a specific group of students.
3: Click "Continue"
When entering conditions remember to include a valid code for the selected field. For example if you want to add the TSDL record to all 5th graders you would select "grade or setting" in the field dropdown, then you would enter 05 (not just 5) in the "value" entry box.
02-27-19 Version
The changes are:
- This version corrects a problem with order of items in the Early On component in the General Collection export xml file. The item EligibilityReason was included as the last element in the Early On component. The order has been corrected to include EligibilityReason between the TimelyStartOfService and PartCExitReason items.
02-19-19 Version
The changes are:
- Corrected a problem that could cause the dropdown control next to the Early Childhood Fiscal Entity Code entry box to show an invalid error message.
- Added a sort by selected column feature to the "File/State Codes File/View all districts" screen. This will make it easier to find information in the State Codes File.
02-18-19 Version
The changes are:
- CEPI has removed data validation rule #171.617.4, "If [AdditionalEligibilityFactors] = "04", then {LEP} component must be submitted". Since CEPI removed this rule, it has also been removed from MISDmsds.
- New file error handling has been applied to all of the " Import MSDS XML Files" and " Import Delimited Text Files" menu items. If the file being imported is locked by another application MISDmsds will show a more user-friendly error message and will not cause MISDmsds to close.
- This update fixes a data issue that may cause the dropdown for school number to hang up.
- This update also fixes a potential error condition that could occur when importing a delimited text file for TSDL courses.
01-28-19 Version
The changes are:
- The MISDmsds update for Spring 2019 contains all of the schema and business rule changes made by CEPI. It including the new fields, "Building pupil would otherwise attend" in the School Demographics component and "Eligibility Reason" in the Early On component.
- This version also contains several new requested features including the ability to import Program Participation codes in the delimited file import and the expansion of the student name label and lookup at the bottom of the screen. The expanded name area adds the middle name and suffix (JR, III, etc) to make it easier to work with students who have matching first and last names.
- A mass change feature for the Early Childhood Programs component has been added to MISDmsds. You will find the new feature under "File/Mass Change Utilities/Mass Change Early Childhood Data". You will notice that in addition to "Equal to", "NOT Equal to", "Greater than", and "Less than" a comparison operator of "Contains" is included in the Relation dropdown for several fields where this comparison would be appropriate. Those fields are: Comment, Additional Eligibility Factors, Qualifying Factors, and Provider License Number. The "Contains" operator will not appear for date fields and those fields that can contain only one code.
- The Request for UIC xml export has been enhanced. It was brought to our attention that schema-level errors were encountered in the School Demographics area when uploading the Request for UIC for certain Early Childhood students. Since the Enrollment, Personal Demographics, and School Demographics components are optional for the Request for UIC these components will only be written to the xml file by MISDmsds if they have sufficient data to be able to pass schema level validation. In order to be exported in the Request for UIC the Enrollment component must have at least the enrollment date, the PersonalDemographics component must have at least Ethnicity, and the SchoolDemographics component must have at least the SchoolFacilityNumber and GradeOrSetting.
12-03-18 Version
The changes are:
Update to correct an invalid error statement on the TSDL Student Courses screen in the Completion Status field. This would only occur when the Completion Status "I - Incomplete" was selected.
10-29-18 Version
The changes are:
- Update to correct an invalid error statement on the Early Childhood Special Ed Assessment screen, in the Outcome 1B, 2B, and 3B fields.
- Several other validation error messages were enhanced.
10-24-18 Version
The chages are:
- Update to remove the validation checks and the xml exports and imports for the Working Parents field on the Early Childhood Programs screen.
9-26-18 Version
The changes are:
- Update to the data validations to properly report errors for Type of Plan.
9-25-18 Version
The changes are:
- Update to comply with the Fall 2018 General Collection specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the Fall 2018 Early Childhood specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2018-2019 Student Record Maintenance specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2018-2019 Teacher Student Data Link specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2018-2019 Request for UIC specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2018-2019 Early Roster specifications from CEPI.
- Added Exited Students by User Selected Categories report.
7-31-18 Version
The changes are:
- Update to comply with the 2018-2019 Early Roster specifications from CEPI.
- Update to the TSDL import and data validation report to properly identify student course records with a 2-digit Course Identifier Code or blank Subject Area Code as an error.
5-31-18 Version
The changes are:
- Update to not display a Completion Status of AU – Audit when the Completion Status is blank in the TSDL file being imported and properly report it as an error.
5-23-18 Version
The changes are:
- Update to the Early Childhood import to properly set the Working Parents characteristic to Yes if the file being imported contains a value of 1 for this characteristic.
- Update to the data validation for the Attendance characteristic to exclude students in Grade 20 from the attendance requirements.
5-4-18 Version
The changes are:
- Update to comply with the EOY 2018 General Collection specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the EOP 2018 Early Childhood specifications from CEPI.
- Updated the College Credit characteristic and the TSDL validations to allow a value of zero to be entered for College Credits.
- Added the Additional Eligibility Factors, Qualifying Factors, and Working Parents characteristics to the Early Childhood Component.
- Updated the import and export functions and data validations to include the Additional Eligibility Factors, Qualifying Factors, and Working Parents characteristics.
1 -15-18 Version
The changes are:
- Update to the Student Record Maintenance import function to allow the import of one Additional Plan Date.
- It was reported that when importing a Student Record Maintenance file with only one Additional Plan Date, the Additional Plan Date was not importing. Student Record Maintenance files with more than one Additional Plan Date are importing properly. Updated the Student Record Maintenance import function to properly import the file if there is only one Additional Plan Date.
- Added a Seclusion and Restraint Report.
1-9-18 Version
The changes are:
- Update to comply with the Spring 2018 General Collection specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the Spring 2018 Early Childhood specifications from CEPI.
- Added the Seclusion and Restraint Component.
- Updated the import and export functions and data validations to include the Seclusion and Restraint component.
- Added validations to the parent information section of the Part B Referral component.
- Update to the Data Summary Report to include Non-Resident Home Schooled Students (Code 07) in the Non-Resident totals.
- Added totals to the User Selected Categories Alpha Reports.
- Update to the Program Participation validation - An error will be reported if the collection is Early Childhood and students are reported as Military Connected.
11-7-17 Version
The changes are:
- Renamed the Special Education Suspension Report to Suspension/Expulsion Report.
- Added options to the Suspension/Expulsion Report to allow users to select Special Education students, General Education students, or both.
- Updated the Suspension/Expulsion Report to include Expulsions.
- Added the Student Residency section to the Alpha Report – user selected categories report.
- Updated the Remove Selected School option to include a dynamically created checkbox list to allow users to remove multiple schools at the same time.
- Added August 2017 to the Month Claimed section of the Section 23a tab.
- Updated the tab-delimited file import option to allow users to import blank UICs.
9-15-17 Version
The changes are:
- Update to comply with the Fall 2017 General Collection specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the Fall 2017 Early Childhood specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2017-2018 Student Record Maintenance specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2017-2018 Teacher Student Data Link specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2017-2018 Request for UIC specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2017-2018 Early Roster specifications from CEPI.
7-17-17 Version
The changes are:
- Updated the College Credit validations to match the MSDS validations:
- MISDmsds will report an error if College Credits are submitted and the course type is anything other than course type 07(Dual Enrollment/Early Middle College) or course type 10(64b Dual/Concurrent Enrollment).
- MISDmsds will report a warning when a course is submitted with course type 07(Dual Enrollment/Early Middle College) and College Credits are not blank.
- Increased the maximum value for College Credits to 10 to match the updated CEPI guidelines
7-12-17 Version
The changes are:
- Added Course Identifier Code 001 (Exploration of Transportation, Distribution and Logistics) for Subject Area Code 20 (Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics).
- Updated the validation for Mentor Teacher PIC number to display an error when a Mentor Teacher PIC number is entered and the Virtual Method is blank or NV (Not Virtual).
6-22-17 Version
The changes are:
- Updated the Initial IEP validations to comply with CEPI rules:
- If the Result of Initial IEP is 2(Student was found not eligible) or 3(Student was found eligible, services refused) AND Primary Disability has a value THEN Special Education Exit Date must have a value.
- If the Result of Initial IEP is 1 (Student found eligible) AND Special Education Primary Disability has a value then the Special Education Type of Plan must be IEP AND Special Education Plan Date must be equal to or greater than Initial IEP Date.
6-8-17 Version
The changes are:
- Updated the Student Record Maintenance export to properly report the Part C Transition Timeliness when a value is present.
- Updated the Student Record Maintenance export to not include the Part C Transition Timeliness characteristic if it is blank.
6-6-17 Version
The changes are:
- Removed the district name from the Data Summary Report dropdown list. Selecting the district name caused an error because there are not normally students associated with the district office. When running the Data Summary Report for your whole district, please select “All Schools”.
- Resolved an issue that would intermittently cause an exception error when importing a file into a brand new installation of MISDmsds.
- Added a tab-delimited import for Discipline data.
- Updated the label for Special Education Support Services Code 210 to T.C. Cognitive Impairment.
5-10-17 Version
The changes are:
- Update to comply with the EOY 2017 General Collection specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the EOP 2017 Early Childhood specifications from CEPI.
- Added the new Early Childhood Program Code 19, Section 32p(4) Home Visitation, to the Early Childhood Program dropdown list.
- Updated the warning for EL students submitted with only English in the Primary Language characteristic to an error per CEPI guidelines.
- Updated the Student Discipline Component validations to align with the CEPI business rules:
- Initial, Secondary, and Other Consequence Start Dates cannot be after the Current Count Date.
- Secondary Consequence Date must be after the Initial Consequence Date.
- Other Consequence Date must be after the Initial and Secondary Consequence Start Dates.
1-20-17 Version
The changes are:
- Update to comply with the Spring 2017 General Collection specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the Spring 2017 Early Childhood specifications from CEPI.
- Added the As of Date characteristic to the User Defined Tab Delimited Import fields.
- Added a new report to the report menu - Alpha Report - User Selected Categories.
- This report will allow users to get alpha listing for student subgroups. Users can select one or more categories to get an alpha listing of all students in the selected categories. If multiple categories are selected, MISDmsds will generate a separate report for each category selected. Sort options include by Student Name, which is district wide, and by School Number, then Alpha – each school will print on a separate page.
Note: when selecting multiple categories, only one report will open at a time. Once you view and/or print the first report and close it, the next report will open.
- This report will allow users to get alpha listing for student subgroups. Users can select one or more categories to get an alpha listing of all students in the selected categories. If multiple categories are selected, MISDmsds will generate a separate report for each category selected. Sort options include by Student Name, which is district wide, and by School Number, then Alpha – each school will print on a separate page.
11-2-16 Version
The changes are:
- The CEPI Web Service issue has been resolved. All new schools are being properly added to the database after running the Download from CEPI function in the State Codes File section of the File menu.
- The IEP Date warning has been updated to use the current count date (Certification As of Date) instead of the current calendar date (As of Date) for certified collections.
- We had a report that the import a user-defined tab-delimited text file function was clearing the Operating District Number for students being imported in some circumstances. This issue has been identified and resolved.
- Updated Attendance validation to report an error for all exited students without attendance.
- Updated Attendance validation to include an error if one of the characteristics, Days Attended or Total Possible Attendance, is blank and the other has a value entered.
- Removed the School Facility Number warning in the Early Childhood component when the database selected is an Agreement Number for Other Non-School Recipients.
- Changed the label of the LEP component to EL (LEP) to be more consistent with the CEPI Collections Details manual.
09-30-16 Version
The changes are:
- Update to comply with the Fall 2016 General Collection specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the Fall 2016 Early Childhood specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2016-2017 Student Record Maintenance specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2016-2017 Teacher Student Data Link specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2016-2017 Request for UIC specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2016-2017 Early Roster specifications from CEPI.
- Added Program Participation Totals to the Data Summary Report.
05-31-16 Version
The changes are:
- The program has been updated to report a warning if the Fiscal Entity for an Early Childhood Program is not an ISD.
- The program has been updated to resolve an issue with the Knowledge Skills dropdown on the Part C Assessment tab. If a user selected a value in the Knowledge Skills dropdown on the Part C Assessment tab, no other data could be entered - this issue is corrected in the current version.
05-18-16 Version
The changes are:
- The program has been updated to comply with the EOY 2016 General Collection specifications from CEPI.
- The program has been updated to comply with the EOP 2016 Early Childhood Collection specifications from CEPI.
- The program has been updated to be used by Other Non-School Recipient facilities.
- The program has been updated to limit error checking to specific collections, if desired.
- The Data Summary Report has been updated to include all of the Program Eligibility categories with totals for each category.
02-02-16 Version
The changes are:
- The program has been updated to include the new Early Childhood Comment characteristic.
01-27-16 Version
The changes are:
- The program has been updated to comply with the Spring 2016 General Collection specifications from CEPI.
- The program has been updated to comply with the Spring 2016 Early Childhood specifications from CEPI.
11-16-15 Version
The changes are:
- Update to only allow a capital D or A in the Early Childhood Fiscal Entity Type field.
- Update to allow unlimited Adult Education components. The data validation will still indicate an error if there are more than 3 Adult Education components for any one Adult Education Count Period.
- Initial IEP Validation – updated to only report an error when the Initial IEP Completion Date is blank and the Result of Initial IEP is 1 (Student was found eligible).
11-09-15 Version
The changes are:
- New validation – Warning for students with an LEP Re-Entry date prior to July 1 st of the current school year.
- Data Validation Spelling Correction for Special Ed Program Service Codes.
- Correction to the DS-4061 Report – Correction to the verbiage on Line 34 - previously referred to the FTE total on Line 29(Grade 14 Special Ed Transition), it has been updated to properly refer to Line 30(Alternative Ed).
10-07-15 Version
The changes are:
- The GE FTE error for students with a blank GE FTE has been modified to a warning.
- The GE FTE warning has been updated to only include students who have an exit code of 19 (Expected to Continue) and are not in grade 20 (Adult Ed) or 30 (Early Childhood).
10-06-15 Version
The changes are:
- Update to comply with the Fall 2015 General Collection specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the Fall 2015 Early Childhood specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2015-2016 Student Record Maintenance specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2015-2016 Teacher Student Data Link specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2015-2016 Request for UIC specifications from CEPI.
- Update to comply with the 2015-2016 Early Roster specifications from CEPI.