About Us:
The MISD Department of Center Programs provides support, training and services for Macomb County's local school district staff, students and families. Center Programs also works collaboratively with Local Educational Agencies (LEA), Special Education Director who through a referral process request assistance for students requiring more intensive educational supports. Our partnership is collaborative and relies on working closely with LEA staff and families.
General Referral Procedure
Form 2 signed by the local Director of Special Education and parent is submitted to the MISD Director of Center Programs for consultation or placement consideration.
Specialized Programs and Schools
The Department of Center Programs operates six specialized schools, plus a program for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, which has classrooms at other sites.
Homebound Services for Center Programs
To be eligible for two nonconsecutive hours of home programming the student must be 1.) enrolled in a Center Program School, 2.) Unable to attend school because of an illness or injury or medically fragile status, 3.) An attending physician certifies a medical condition requires that the student be confined to the home during regular school hours.
Behavior Specialist Consultant
The Behavior Specialist Consultant provides observations, consultations and support to local school district teams for students with significant challenging behavior and special education certification.
Special Education Consultant
The Special Education Consultant provides professional development workshops and trainings for educators serving students in general and special education. Works with classroom teams and facilitates grant programs, including the Statewide Autism Resource Trainings (START).
Technology Consultant for Center Programs
The primary role of the Technology Consultant is to work with the MISD Center Programs to provide support with curriculum instruction, professional development and hardware support in the area of computer technology.