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    Clinton Township, MI
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Teacher Certification


Occupational Certificates

Interim Occupational Certificates and Occupational Education Certificates (advanced license) are valid for teaching in a state reimbursed and approved occupational education classroom in the area specified on the certificate. 

Interim Occupational Certificate (formerly Temporary Vocational Authorization)

(Initial license; valid for up to six years)


An applicant may be recommended by the occupational EPI if he/she has met the following requirements:

  • Possesses a Bachelor’s Degree;

  • Has a major or minor in the field of specialization in which occupational certification is being requested;

  • Has a minimum of two years (4,000 hours) of experience in the occupational area concerned or has completed a planned program of directed supervised occupational experience approved by the State Superintendent. The occupational experience shall be characterized as relevant and recent;

  • Has passed both the MTTC Professional Readiness Examination and appropriate subject area exam or exams available at the time of application;

  • Has successfully completed a minimum of 6 semester credit hours of professional or occupational education credit; and

  • The Interim Occupational Certificate is valid for teaching in those courses in which instruction is limited to the occupation specified on the certificate in approved occupational programs.

Occupational Education Certificate

(Advanced license; valid for up to five years)


  • Three years of satisfactory teaching experience since the issue date, and within the validity and grade level, of the Provisional Certificate

  • Beginning September 1, 2013, all teachers advancing to the Occupational

  • Education Certificate must have completed 3 semester credits of reading diagnostics and remediation, which includes a field experience, in accordance with Michigan Revised School Code MCL 380.1531(4).*

  • The following link provides a list of approved Michigan courses that meet this requirement under the Specialty Programs heading at the bottom of the page: http://www.michigan.gov/teachercert.

And one or a combination of the following:

(Within the five year period preceding the date of application and since the issue date of the most recent Interim Occupational Certificate)

  • 6 semester hours in a planned program** at an approved EPI or

  • 6 semester credit hours of academic credit appropriate to the grade level and content endorsement (s) of the certificate at any regionally accredited college or university.

  • 150 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) appropriate to the grade level and content endorsement(s) of the certificate held.

  • 150 District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) hours in accordance with Michigan School Code Sections 380.1527. The DPPD form is available in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System http://www.michigan.gov/moecs.

Note: If DPPD is used in combination with semester credit hours and/or

SCECHs you are required to have 150 hours to renew. You are also required to complete the DPPD form (one per school year) and have it signed by the Principal or Designee of the school district and each page of DPPD activity initialed by the Principal or Designee. Make sure to retain a copy of the signed DPPD form(s) for your records. OPPS will request this information for certificate renewal verification.

Completion of an approved Master’s Degree or higher at any time.

Note: SCECHs (25 SCECHs equate to 1 semester credit hour), and/or DPPD hours

(25 clock hours of DPPD equates to 1 semester credit hour or 25 SCECHs) since the issue date of the most recent Provisional Certificate.

The Occupational Education Certificate has the same validity and renewal conditions as the Professional Education Certificate.

* Applicants who complete the reading diagnostics course out-of-state must have the

Reading Diagnostics Course Certification form completed and signed by the out-of-state university.

** A planned program is credit earned towards a Master’s Degree in education or a field of study related to education or in an approved endorsement program (minimum 20 semester credit hours to obtain endorsement) at a state approved EPI.

Revised on 12/16/2014