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    44001 Garfield Road
    Clinton Township, MI
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Perkins Secondary Grants

The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) was signed into law by President Trump on July 31, 2018. This bipartisan measure reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) and continued Congress’ commitment in providing nearly $1.3 billion annually for career and technical education (CTE) programs for our nation’s youth and adults.

Perkins V represents an important opportunity to expand opportunities for every student to explore, choose, and follow career and technical education programs of study and career pathways to earn credentials of value. As States and local communities embark on the development of new plans for CTE, the Department hopes that the videos, resources, links, and media found below and throughout this Website can be useful tools for States and local recipients in "rethinking CTE" and arriving at bold goals under the newly-authorized Perkins V statute. (https://cte.ed.gov/legislation/perkins-v)

Grants are awarded to the Macomb Intermediate School District by the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education. Eligible recipients of funding are public local educational agencies that provide career and technical education programs and services.

Regions participating in Perkins Grant Activities are assessed using Core Performance Indicators.  All regions who fall below the state identified target must write an improvement plan to address the concern areas.

Grant Management

District Timeline

September 25th, 2024 - modify 2024-2025 budget based on OCTE final allocation

October 18th, 2024 - 1st reimbursement due

December 20th, 2024 - 2nd reimbursement due 

January 29th, 2025 - 2nd modification opportunity

February 14th, 2025 - 3rd reimbursement due (should be 50% drawn)

April 25th, 2025 - 4th reimbursement due

May 16th, 2025 - Final modification opportunity (note: last chance to modify)

June 30th, 2025 - 5th reimbursement due (can submit first or second week in July if you are waiting on payroll to post)

How it Works

Perkins Flow Chart

Participating Districts

Macomb County

Anchor Bay Schools

Armada Schools

Center Line Public Schools

Chippewa Valley Schools

Clintondale Community Schools

Eastpointe Community Schools

Fitzgerald Public Schools

Fraser Public Schools

Lake Shore Public Schools

Lakeview Public Schools

L'Anse Creuse Public Schools

Mt. Clemens Community Schools

New Haven Community Schools

Richmond Community Schools

Romeo Community Schools

Roseville Community Schools

South Lake Schools

Utica Community Schools

Van Dyke Public Schools

Warren Consolidated Schools

Warren Woods Public Schools

St. Clair County

Algonac Community Schools

Capac Community School District

East China Community Schools

Marysville Public Schools

Memphis Community Schools

Port Huron Area School District

Yale Public Schools

Landmark Academy

Virtual Learning Academy of St. Clair

Blue Water Middle College

CPI Descriptions





Four-Year Graduation Rate

Number of CTE concentrators who, in the reporting year, were included as graduated in the State’s computation of its graduation rate.


Reading Attainment

Number of CTE Concentrators who met the proficiency or advanced level on the Statewide high school reading assessment and whose scores were included in the State’s computation for AYP and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education.


Math Attainment

Number of CTE Concentrators who met the proficiency or advanced level on the Statewide high school mathematics assessment and whose scores were included in the State’s computation for AYP and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education.


Science Attainment

Number of CTE Concentrators who met the proficiency or advanced level on the Statewide high school science assessment and whose scores were included in the State’s computation for AYP and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education.


Post-Program Placement

Number of 11th and 12th grade CTE completers who left secondary education and were placed in postsecondary education or advanced training, the military, or employment in the third quarter following completion.


Nontraditional Program Concentration

Number of CTE participants from underrepresented gender groups


Post-Secondary Credential

Number of CTE concentrators who passed technical skills assessment that are aligned with industry-recognized standards, if available and appropriate during the reporting year.

CPI Results

Core Performance Indicators