Field Day
Field Day is an annual Lutz event. Field Day is a full day activity held outdoors on the Lutz school grounds. With the help of the parent group, each classroom plans/runs a game/obstacle for all students to participate in. Students rotate to various events with their classroom. A free hot dog, chip, and beverage lunch is provided for all staff, students, and volunteers. We also have a dunk tank and a staff water balloon toss! Please feel free to e-mail if you are interested in volunteering.
Green School
The Green School committee at Lutz School has been going strong for four years. Last year we were honored to continue our status as an Evergreen School, the highest distinction given by the Macomb County Green Schools. This has come with tireless efforts by our committee to maintain at this level and an ongoing commitment by our whole staff to embrace our green practices. Last year we were also given the award "Conservation and Preservation of the Environment" due to our repurposing of funeral flowers in the Greenhouse program. The backbone of our green endeavor is a complex and consistent recycling program that has developed and thrived for many years at Lutz before we even knew of the Macomb County program. We also compost food items and then use that new soil that's produced in our garden program. Each classroom at Lutz has pledged to be a part of our undertaking, whether it be through encouraging classroom recycling, completing green themed lessons, or shutting down their computers nightly to conserve energy. A couple new items that support our efforts are the new drinking fountain which conveniently refills reusable water bottles and the Abiti Paper Retriever that is housed in our back parking lot. The Paper Retriever takes office paper, magazines, shredding, etc. not only from Lutz but from the surrounding community as well. We will continue to do our part at Lutz to be green and strive to keep our Evergreen status.
Special Olympics
Special Olympics is a way to celebrate fitness, the joy of sports, and the strength of the human spirit. Students at Lutz School are encouraged to follow the motto of Special Olympics:
“Let me win
But if I cannot win
Let me be brave
In the attempt.”
With that in mind all students at Lutz School participate in the Macomb County Spring games. Students look forward to, and train hard for their respective events. Through the year Lutz students participate on many other individual and team events. This would include both local and state competitions.
At Lutz we encourage student’s participation and teach that achieving your personal best is a true success. Through the years we have witnessed the Special Olympics to provide powerful and inspirational moments. Please join us at a Special Olympics activity to help celebrate the gifts of our Olympians.
At times you will also find information on fundraising for Special Olympics. We encourage you to support these very important athletes and games.
Talent Show
The Talent Show is a school wide event that is very much enjoyed by all who attend. Each classroom submits one act to entertain the other students and families. We try to have a variety of acts such as singing and dancing, comedy, puppet and magic shows… This is a school activity that is looked forward to by many of the students and staff.
2023 Talent Show Link
Student Council
Student Council
Lutz School student council consists of 4 student elected members including president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Elections are held annually during the first week of November. Students must be at Lutz for a minimum of one year to run for office. Student Council members give a short speech at an all school assembly and are able to campaign by placing posters around the school. Once elected, Student Council member responsibilities include:
Saying the Pledge of Allegiance at all assemblies at the front of the gym.
Shaking hands with and congratulating Student of the Month winners from each classroom.
Attending student council meetings. (Approximately 6 meetings a year).
Assisting with the planning of all student council tasks/projects including the canned food drive, spirit weeks, coins for caring, giving tree collection, and spring basket collection.
Positive Behavior Support
The purpose of a Positive Behavior Support program (PBS) is to improve the overall classroom and school climate to achieve higher vocational performance for all students. PBS is a whole school process. PBS emphasizes prevention and reinforcement strategies. It is NOT a curriculum or specific discipline program. PBS teaches behavior through proactive practices instead of reaction to inappropriate behaviors.