These services assist students with disabilities who benefit from special education and related services. Medicaid reimbursement, through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), provides funding for the medical service needs of students receiving special education and related services. The Social Security Act, as amended in 1988 by the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act, specifically provides for medical assistance (Medicaid) to cover "related services" which are specified in Federal Medicaid statute as medically necessary and included in the child's IEP (Individualized Education Plan) established pursuant to Part B of the IDEA or furnished to an infant or toddler with disabilities because such services are included in the child's IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan) adopted pursuant to Part C (formerly called Part H) of such Act.
This document is comprised of only one section of the entire Medicaid Manual, specifically "School Services Program." (Information taken directly from Michigan Department of Community Health Medicaid Provider Manual dated 10-01-2022)
SSP Medicaid Provider Manual - Pages 1965 - 2016
Below are excerpts from the above manual, specific to individual providers:
- Definition of Under Direction/Supervision - Page 1970
- General Information - Pages 1967 to 1973
- Direct Medical Services Documentation - page 2013
- Assistive Technology Device Services - pages 1979 to 1980
- Nursing Services - Page 1993
- Occupational Therapy Services - Pages 1975 to 1977
- Orientation and Mobility Services - Pages 1977 to 1979
- Personal Care Services - Pages 1995 to 1996
- Physical Therapy Services - Pages 1981 to 1984
- Physician and Psychiatrist Services - Page 1994
- Psychological Services & Social Work Services - Pages 1989 to 1922
- Speech, Language and Hearing Therapy Services - Pages 1984 to 1988
- Targeted Case Management Services - Pages 1996 to 1999
SSP providers must have a written quality assurance plan on file. SSP costs will be reviewed/audited by MDHHS for determination of medical necessity and to verify that all services were billed and paid appropriately. The purpose of the quality assurance plan is to establish and maintain a process for monitoring and evaluating the quality and documentation of covered services, and the impact of Medicaid enrollment on the school environment.
An acceptable quality assurance plan must address each of the following quality assurance standards:
- Covered services are medically necessary, as determined and documented through appropriate and objective testing, evaluation and diagnosis.
- The IEP/IFSP treatment plan identifies which covered services are to be provided and the service frequency, duration, goals and objectives.
- A monitoring program exists to ensure that services are appropriate, effective and delivered in a cost effective manner consistent with the reduction of physical or mental disabilities and assisting the beneficiary to benefit from special education.
- Billings are reviewed for accuracy.
- Staff qualifications meet current license, certification and program requirements.
- Established coordination and collaboration exists to develop plans of care with all other providers,(i.e., Public Health, MDHHS, Community Mental Health Services Programs (CMHSPs), Medicaid Health Plans (MHPs), Hearing Centers, Outpatient Hospitals, etc.).
- Parent/guardian and beneficiary participation exists outside of the IEP/IFSP team process in evaluating the impact of the SBS program on the educational setting, service quality and outcomes.
Macomb ISD School Based Health Services Program Quality Assurance Plan
Macomb ISD annually provides training for eligible Macomb County public school service providers to acquaint them with functions of the service logging feature in the PowerSchool Special Programs™ system. If training sessions are available for registration, an announcement will be posted in PowerSchool Special Programs™ on the providers Home Page once they have logged into the system.
There are currently not scheduled training sessions.
If you are a Macomb County public school provider interested in PowerSchool Special Programs™ training and none are currently available, you can contact Katy Irwin at 586-228-3343 in the MISD Medicaid School Services Program Office to find out about future training dates.
Two different expenditure reports are utilized to capture the expenditure/cost data for the School Based Services Program by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS); the FS cost report and the financial worksheets from Public Consulting Group (PCG). The FS cost report will be completed annually by the Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and Intermediate School Districts (ISDs) through the Community Health Automated Medicaid Processing System (CHAMPS.) The financial worksheets will be completed quarterly by PCG. Click the links below to view the various training presentation.
Below are links for specific providers and what documentation is required for Medicaid reimbursement.
- Designated Case Manager - Medicaid Provider Manual - Pages 1998 to 1999
- Personal Care Services - Medicaid Provider Manual - Pages 1995 to 1996
Help With PowerSchool Special Programs Service Capture™
- Password
- User Name
- Logging Problems - first, contact your district's service service capture representative. If they cannot help you, they will call the ISD Medicaid School Services Program office with your question and then get back with you.
- Caseloads (teachers, you must contact your school district secretary for assistance)
- Missing Monthly Summary logs
Call 586-228-3343 and leave a complete message with your name, district, phone number with extension, and detailed narrative of your need.
Need Help With...
- PowerSchool Special Programs Service Capture™ Operating System Errors
- PowerSchool Special Programs Service Capture™ System is moving very slowly
Send Message in PowerSchool Special Programs to: ADMIN
Need Help with...
- Random Moment Time Studies
- Medicaid Administrative Outreach Staff Pool Updates
- Personal Care Service Log Sheets
Contact Tina Marcon, Project Technician, at 586-228-3345
- Medicaid School Services Program Policy Questions
- Medicaid School Services Program Licensure Questions
- Medicaid Training
- FS Cost Reports or AOP Financials
Contact Katy Irwin, Special Education Accountant, at 586-228-3343
Below are links for Health Care Professional that would like to learn more about licensing in the State of Michigan and Nationally.
- Audiology - LARA
- Michigan Audiology Coalition
- American Academy of Audiology - National
- Nursing - LARA
- Michigan Association of School Nurses
- American Nurses Association - National
- Occupational Therapy - LARA
- Michigan Occupational Therapy Association
- American Occupational Therapy Association - National
- Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals (O&M) - National
- Physical Therapy - LARA
- Michigan Physical Therapy Association
- American Physical Therapy Association - National
- Psychology - LARA
- Michigan Association of School Psychologists
- National Association of School Psychologists
- Social Work - LARA
- Michigan Association of School Social Workers
- School Social Work Association of America - National
- National Association of Social Workers - National
- Counseling - LARA
- American Counseling Association - National
- National Board of Certified Counselors - National
- Speech & Language Pathology - LARA
- Michigan Speech Language Hearing Association
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association - National
- Bureau of Community and Health Systems
- Publications: Administrative Rules
Below are links to other websites that contain valuable information about school based services.