- Address:
44001 Garfield Road
Clinton Township, MI
- Building Maps
General System Features
- Ability to inactivate vendors
- Ability to transfer activity from one vendor to another
- Provides multiple vendor addresses
- Provides for 1099 reporting with the ability to process 1099 and non-1099 items for vendors
Vendor Inquiry
- Allows for inquiry by vendor number or name, check number, check date, or PO number
- Provides up-to-date summarized and detailed check history
- Displays detailed open encumbrances
Invoice Processing
- Supports multiple invoice batches
- Supports recurring invoices
- Provides batch total balancing before posting to open items
- Interfaces with the Purchase Order system
- Automatically posts line item expenses to the Financial system into the user specified fiscal period
Check Processing
- Ability to maintain open items and to hold invoices for payment
- Provides for credit memo processing
- Allows multiple users to process check runs concurrently
- Supports multiple bank accounts
- Ability to process manual checks
- Supports laser check printing
- Ability to have system-assigned check numbers
- Produces summary and detailed check registers by bank
- Ability to restart the check run or check printing
- Ability to automatically create due to/due from journal entries
- Automatically posts cash expense to the Financial system into the user specified fiscal period
Void Check Processing
- Ability to void an issued check and automatically post to the Financial system
- Ability to record and track spoiled checks
Check Reconciliation
- Ability to reconcile checks issued by check date or check number
- Provides an outstanding check register and reconciled check reports
- Supports electronic reconciliation from bank
Check Replacement
- Allows for a check to be copied to a replacement number
- Ability to print a laser replacement check
- Provides new registers and reports
Accounts Payable Reports
- Provides monthly summary and detailed check registers with user defined report selections
- Provides vendor books, open items and paid listings with user defined report selections
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