- Address:
44001 Garfield Road
Clinton Township, MI
- Building Maps
General System Features
- Provides attendance security by user profile, work location and union
- Allows for district defined leave codes
- Ability to accrue leave time annually, monthly, or by-weekly
- Allows for processing leave time in hours for specific union groups
- Ability to transfer unused time between leave codes
- Supports union sick banks with options to give time to the bank and to withdraw time from the bank
- Provides the option to allow bank balances to go negative
Attendance Inquiry
- Allows inquiry by employee name or social security number
- Allows inquiry of substitute teacher from absent teacher
- Displays current bank balances, time used, and beginning balances
- Displays detailed attendance history and accrual information including the day of the week
- Ability to view history by date range and/or attendance leave code
- Ability to view pending transactions with an adjusted balance
Attendance Processing
- Allows for entry of time off for bank balance leave codes
- Allows for entry of non-bank balance leave codes for tracking purposes
- Ability to automatically load employees on leave into the attendance system
- Ability to deduct time used from any bank balance
- Produces a payroll docking report for over-drawn time or for specific leave codes
- Ability to reverse previously updated attendance transactions
- Ability to update attendance transactions through a user specified date
- Ability to enter and track teacher/substitute attendance
- Provides an option to create payroll transactions for substitutes
Attendance Reports
- Provides detailed and summary leave balances, time used, and cumulative attendance history listings
- Allows for user defined report selections and sorting
- Provides state substitute "days worked" report
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