- Address:
44001 Garfield Road
Clinton Township, MI
- Building Maps
General System Features
- Provides personnel screen security by user profile
- Provides employee security by union
- Provides on-line validation of state required teacher certification data
- Allows for user defined dates screen
- Allows for user defined miscellaneous screen(s)
- Provides for downloading using a customized Query file
- Allows for multiple positions for an employee
Personnel Inquiry
- Allows for inquiry by employee name or social security number
- Provides position history inquiry
Personnel Reports
- Provides a state teacher certification report
- Allows for customized user reports available through Query with downloading capabilities
- Provides mailing labels with user defined selections and sorting
- Allows for downloading information for staff directory using directory and unlisted phone and address flags
Personnel Benefits
- Provides for longevity calculation
- Provides multiple year benefit rate calculation tables
- Ability to track co-pay information
- Provides benefit start and drop dates
- Provides for automatic distribution of benefit and co-pay expenses to the Financial system
- Provides multiple reports by company and/or employee
Salary Lanes/Steps
- Ability to process by base salary and index or by salary amount
- Provides multiple year salary tables
- Ability to load additional schedules to create total contract amount
- Provides multiple load options to Payroll for salary/schedules
- Provides multiple salary/schedule reports
Applicant Tracking
- Allows for inquiry by name or position
- Ability to track multiple positions applied for by an applicant
- Provides areas for trade skills, education, certification and test results
- Provides multiple reports, form letter and labels
- Provides automatic loading into Personnel at time of hire
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