High quality CTE programs of study are designed to support students in their career development process, including exploration of careers and related post-secondary education and training. Enhancing a student’s ability to make informed decisions to help them achieve their goals; career development is a vital part of a student’s overall educational experience. Defining and redefining career-related choices and outcomes is a life-long process. Studies show that many workers will change jobs an average of 10-12 times in their career[1] and 65% of jobs will require some type of post-secondary credential by 2020[2].

Educators in Macomb ISD are committed to providing the tools, knowledge and resources that young people and their families need to make informed and critical college and career-related decisions.
Participation in CTE programming aide’s students in understanding the relevancy of their classroom work and its application in the workplace; a connection that studies show will increase a student’s possibility of retention in college. Students here in Macomb have the ability to learn about CTE programs of study by eighth grade.
Macomb ISD provides access to platforms and resources to all districts to support their career development efforts. A primary platform utilized is Xello (formerly Career Cruising), an engaging, online program that helps students transform their aspirations into personalized, actionable plans for academic and career success. Designed to support the facilitation of the education development plan (EDP), Xello provides an interactive and safe environment empowering students to participate in immersive self-knowledge, exploration, and planning. Students interested in learning more can obtain a login from their counselor.

Did You Know..................
There will be approximately 811,055 high demand career openings[1] through 2024. Making the process of choosing a career path a very important part of the college planning process. Studies show that one-third of students entering college, drop out after freshman year.[2] A main reason identified for this, is that many students need more structure and are not prepared. Oftentimes students do not have a purpose in going to college, they are unsure of the type of major or understand the cost-benefit of their degree.[3] There will be 68 percent more job openings in infrastructure-related field than there are people training to fill them. Given this significant increase in job openings over the next five years, it is vital that students are exposed and trained in these field to increase the pool of candidates qualified for these opportunities. Having career exposure enables students to develop a plan for their post-secondary coursework. According to the U.S. Department of Education, "people with career and technical education are also more likely to be employed than their counterparts with academic credentials and significantly more likely to be working in their fields of study." Participating in CTE coursework has endless benefits, students and families are encouraged to explore their local high school’s CTE programming for placement and more information.
College Prep
What is college? According to the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) college refers to the attainment of valuable credentials beyond high school, defined as postsecondary certificates and academic degrees. College is a necessity. postsecondary education is a prerequisite to success in a knowledge-based economy. Getting started can be overwhelming, but Macomb Schools is committed to providing resources to help students prepare for college.

When considering college, a great place to start is by asking yourself a few questions:
- What are my career interests?
- What major or training can best prepare me for that career?
- Which college has that major or training available?
- How can I get help paying for college?
Some recommended resources to support you while you ask yourself these questions include: