If your toddler isn't talking or walking, you may wish to take the first step.
Yes, all babies grow and learn at different rates, however if you think your baby or toddler may be late to crawl, walk or talk, don't wait. Call Early On and find out if your child needs special attention.
Don't worry, but don't wait!
Early On is a statewide comprehensive early intervention system that provides a range of family services and supports to help infants and toddlers from birth to 36 months who have developmental delays or established conditions which may lead to delays. It’s designed to help families find the social, health, and educational services that will promote the development of their infants and toddlers with special needs. Early On emphasizes early identification and early referral to enhance the development of infants and toddlers with disabilities, to minimize their potential for delay and to recognize the significant brain development that occurs during a child’s first three years of life. Research has shown that by addressing delays early on, especially between birth and age 3, we can more effectively impact a child's development, even into adulthood.
The developmental needs of infants and toddlers are addressed through the collaborative efforts of several agencies in the community. One of the purposes of Early On is to help families find out about services for which they may be eligible.
In Macomb County, the Intermediate School District oversees Early On, including accepting referrals. Referrals to Early On come from a variety of sources including, hospitals, doctors, parents and community agencies. If your child is eligible for Early On, service providers could be from a variety of community agencies.
Early On Helps Agencies/Hospitals/Schools:
- reduce duplication and fragmentation of assessments and services
- use existing resources more efficiently
- identify and address gaps in services
- link families with services more quickly
- work together better and support each other’s work
Early intervention services are for eligible infants, toddlers and families and may include family training, special instruction, service coordination, assessments, teacher services, speech services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, audiology services, social work services, and assistive technology.
Early On is a family-centered system, with emphasis on family strengths and abilities, which requires the development of an individualized family service plan (IFSP) specific to each child and family. The IFSP is based on the priorities of the family and results of the family interview and multidisciplinary evaluation.
Early On Mission & Vision
Mission: Early On builds upon and provides supports and resources to assist family members and caregivers to enhance eligible children's learning and development through everyday learning opportunities.
Vision: Infants and toddlers who are enrolled in Early On reach their fullest potential, successfully transitioning to the next phase of life, with empowered and supportive families.
The Target for Early On Services is you the Parent!
Even though your child is the one who may have a developmental delay, the target for Early On Services is you the parent! The philosophy is that parents are their child's first and most important teacher and that our goal as service providers is to support, instruct, demonstrate, coach and encourage you in helping your child develop.
What Does Early On Look Like Today?
Research has changed what Early On services should look like today. No longer should your home visit involve a provider taking a toy bag to your home to work directly with your child. We know that is not how your child learns best. Children learn best from their parents and caregivers in everyday activities – like diapering, bathing, eating meals, dressing, shopping and playing with siblings.
You know your child best, so you and your Early On provider will be working closely together to incorporate learning opportunities in your daily activities. Our focus is to support you in helping your child learn and participate in the things you do and the places you go. You will be provided guidance and support on how to use everyday activities to promote learning so that your child is receiving the best intervention.
Intervention = comes from the child’s natural caregivers, who are usually parent and other caregivers. You provide the most effective practice, encouragement, and guidance for your child to help him/her succeed.
Service = the professional activity from your Early On provider to ensure you have interventions you can use all the time between home visits, when learning really happens.
Assessment Center Services
The MISD Assessment Center provides diagnostic services to respond to the concerns of families regarding the growth and development of their infant or toddler.Who is Eligible for Early On?
Eligible infants and toddlers include those birth to 36 months of age who have: an "established condition" (i.e. a diagnosed physical or mental condition which may result in a developmental delay in at least one area of development.
Family Events & Outings
Early On Macomb hosts Family Events & Outings for all the families enrolled in Early On and Macomb Infant Preschool Program (MIPP). Families are invited to participate in community outings.
Parent Workshops
Early On's "Parent Learning Series" is an adult evening held quarterly to discuss a different topic regarding infants and toddlers.
Macomb Infant Preschool Program (MIPP)
The MIPP Program serves eligible children ranging in age from a few weeks to three years who need special education services because of a medical difficulty or developmental delay that can affect learning.
Early On Part C
More information for families with infants and toddlers.
Transition Information
When the child is 2 1/2 years old or transitioning from Early On -- Obtain more information here.
Informationón y Resources en Español
For information and resources in Spanish.
Resources - Tool Kits
Early On Macomb has produced a number of Tool Kits to help service coordinators and families manage different situations and circumstances. These Tool Kits provide research, insight, and guidance as a compilation of important current information, but it is not necessarily meant to provide all the answers.
Tool Kit for:
- Children Prenatally Drug Exposed
- Regulatory Behaviors
- Siblings of Children with Special Needs
- Child Witnesses of Domestic Violence