Third Grade Reading Legislation
- Public Act 306 of 2016: Third Grade Reading in Michigan
- Powerpoint - PA306 Third Grade Reading
- Powerpoint - PA306 Third Grade Reading (Arabic Translation)
- Public Act 306 of 2016: Third Grade Reading Timeline
- Third Grade Reading Law Frequently Asked Questions (Updated February 2018)
- Example: Individual Reading Improvement Plans
- Example: Parent Guide
- Reading Assessment Calendar
- MDE Approved Assessments
- Key Features of Effective Reading Intervention
- Coaching Article
These documents were developed by the Early Literacy Task Force, a subcommittee of the Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (MAISA) General Education Leadership Network (GELN), which represents Michigan's 56 Intermediate School Districts. Research suggests that each of these ten practices can have a positive impact on literacy development.
Pre-K Literacy Essentials
K-3 Literacy Essentials
Grade 4-5 Literacy Essentials
Essential School-Wide and Center Practices in Literacy
Essential Coaching Practices for Elementary Literacy
Michigan Literacy Progress Profile (MLPP)
The MLPP is a diagnostic tool for teachers to document and explain what they know about a child's literacy learning and performance levels.
The assessments that allow the teacher to dig deeper into what children understand about literacy and how they process text are:
Phonemic Awareness
Concepts of Print
Known Words
Letter/Sound Identification
Hearing and Recording Sounds
Sight Word/Decodable Words Lists
These assessments go beyond a universal screener to provide a context of what a student’s literacy strengths and weaknesses are.
Elementary Literature Units
The MISD has created several literature units for grades 3-5, including M-STEP practice and five point rubrics.
M-Step Practice Assessments
We have taken M-Step practice assessments and converted them to include additional tasks. For example, if the M-Step assessment requires an argumentative task, we have converted the assessment to require an information task. This will allow students to use the same texts for multiple purposes.
Grade 3
Grade 4
ELA Card Games
From the site Mission Literacy, here are two card games to use with students to practice reading comprehension skills.
Summer Reading Suggestions
Please click here for listing.